Monday, July 7, 2014

Suffer the Children: Clear direction and children's church

With much excitement Tessa and I write this most recent entry! As you know, we have been laboring in the inner-city area of Mixco, Guatemala called 'La Comunidad'. There, we have been overwhelmed with not only the intensity of day-to-day life but also the sheer amount of children and young people.

The majority seem to have some type of 'family'. That could be grandma, grandpa or maybe their aunt. The rest we just don't know. In our initial contact we don't pry for information. But it is clear, many are just on their own.

After much working, prayer and meditation it is very clear what not only God's will is, but what our vision is:

Suffer the little children to come unto Him.

With that overwhelming thought and motivation, we move ahead. Lord willing in the next month we will open a discipleship academy and following that, a full-blown 'Children's Church'. Yes, you read that correctly: Children's Church.

So many are left wandering and so many come to us and just spend hours helping us do outreach or just color pictures... it is quite amazing. It really is.

Please pray as we need much direction and resources. I have much more to add but the plans are quite overwhelming at present.

Specifically, please pray for:

1. A bigger location: We are thankful for our small place, but we need much more... and soon.
2. No fear: This is a very intense and poor area. It is easy to want to 'not' go. We must and we will.
3. Vehicle and capital: We have been given some finance to help with a small vehicle to navigate the tight streets of the city we work in, but need about 50% more to be able to get one.
    Also, just starting this project will take capital we do not currently have. Exactly how much, I am not certain but at this point, anything to take-off is a blessing.
4. Website: I am currently working on a website to tie together our work, blog and e-mail. Further, we are going to post children we are working with and give people a chance to sponsor them. This is a big step, but needed in a great way.

We are very excited and appreciate your prayers for all these things. God is our all, but we know we could not be here without you. We are not worthy and thank you for all you continue to do on our behalf.

Bob and Tessa

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