Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Suffer the Children: Guatemala

There is just a TON of things happening here in Guatemala right now!

We are excited that you can now keep up with us here and more in-depth at our new website:

Last month we started our child-sponsored discipleship academy: Los Seguidores. So far things are going well. There are obviously kinks to work out, but we have all but 3 children sponsored and they are faithful and taking it all in! Praise the Lord! You can find a link on this blog up top to go to our new website and find out what it's all about. 

Something else we also saw was the Lord open another door here in the community. Each area is given a plot of land as a public 'park'. Here in the inner-city, that property is a gravel and glass-filled disaster. The Lord has put it on our hearts to help the people have a concrete soccer court/community area. Part of this benefit is for us also as the community has agreed to block off every Sunday morning for us to use it as an outreach area as well as on special occasions. We have some folks interested but need much help in this area. Again, you can go to our website for more details.

Please pray for each of these things, encouragement and continual strength. It is indeed a very 'heavy' place to minister and in the flesh it is very easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We hope all these modes of communication will better serve you and keep us well-connected!

Praying for you!

Bob and Tessa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love ready your blog and seeing what is going on. I will be praying that you won't get discouraged..that God will open the door's to help with that burden. I just wish that I had the funds to help out in every area that you need. I prayed that God would add to my funds some money to pay for Oscar's support, he did that by reducing some bills. Amazing huh? God is so Good.