Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mexico 2 U.S. 2 Guatemala

It is simply amazing to us how fast time goes! It seems like last week we were packing up our belongings in Mexico. Now, we are packing them back up to go to Guatemala!We are currently 3 weeks out from our move and at the point to where your mind cannot keep pace with what needs done! 

As I type we sit in Merida, Mexico. We were able to take part in the 2nd anniversary of our church plant here. What a blessing it was to see all the sweet people. I was able to preach, we had 5 members added to the church after completing discipleship and also saw one adult baptized! To top it off we honored the soon to be national pastor and had communion and a baby dedication. To say the least it was a long day! I would like to report to you that the church is growing and doing well. Much fruit abounds to your account!

Tessa and I ask that you continue to pray for the work here in Mexico as well as our impending trip to get set-up in Guatemala. The children are looking forward to it but at the same time very much miss Mexico. They did much growing up here and have several friends in this part of the world. Please remember them also.

Finally, please pray we have all the funds necessary in place by January 1. God has never let us down and we know He will come through in a mighty was as always!

We are praying for each of you and encourage you to be a missionary right where God has placed you!

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